
I have two neighbors in the TIG.  That is awesome.  Congrats DB and Ross.  I knew them before they were famous.

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3 Responses to “Wow!”

  1. It went to my head and now I'm driving my Hummer without panties and holding the kids in my lap while I drive and smoke at the same time,lol. Ross? How are you making out in the Limelight,lol. Thanks Budd. Congrats to Ross also. Rehab can't be far away.

  2. Haha…I'll invite you to the pool party at the mansion when I have it next summer, Budd. Don't say I never did anything for you…

  3. Oh, I don't need rehab. You see, I've found a new religion that has taken care of all that. Maybe you've heard of it? Scientology? It really explains everything that's wrong with society and how to fix it. Starting with yourself. My wife is due in about a month and we're definitely having a totally silent birth. Helps the baby get adjusted to its new life as it passes along "The Bridge to Total Freedom".

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